Canine Guarding

Our Canine Guarding unit provides trained dogs in a variety of deployments within different industries, offering a visible security deterrent to protect property, colleagues and customers.

The services provided by Canine units are variable and include

  • Detection of Contraband: Canine dogs are trained to detect various contraband items such as drugs, explosives, firearms and even currency. Their keen sense of smell enables them to locate hidden substances that might be missed by guarding personnel
  • Patrol and Surveillance: Canine dogs can be used for patrolling and surveillance purposes. They are highly alert and can quickly identify any suspicious activities or intruders in the designated area. Their presence alone serves as a deterrent to potential threats
  • Crowd Control: Canine dogs can assist in maintaining order and crowd control during events or large gatherings. Their presence can help deter unruly behaviour and ensure the safety of participants
  • Personal Protection: Canine dogs can be trained to provide personal protection to security personnel or high-profile individuals. They can apprehend suspects and provide a physical barrier between the individual and potential threats

Canine and handler units come with several benefits:

  • Canine guarding can be more effective at deterring intruders; dogs have a keen sense of smell, hearing and sight, and can alert their handlers of any suspicious activity
  • Canine guarding can be more affordable than hiring multiple security guards, as one dog and handler can cover a large area and perform multiple tasks.
  • Canine guarding is more flexible than fixed security measures, as dogs can adapt to different situations and environments, and can be deployed quickly and easily.
  • Canine guarding is more friendly and approachable than armed guards, as dogs can interact with your colleagues and customers, and create a positive image for your business.

Canine guarding is a proven and trusted security service that can meet your specific needs and requirements.
Whether you need canine guarding for a short-term contract or a long-term partnership, we can provide you with the best dogs and handlers in the industry.
Contact us today to find out more about our canine guarding services and how we can help you secure your premises.